Book a Tour of the Capitol

Accepting reservations now through Sep 13th, 2025

Weekends and most holidays, all visitors must use the Main Rotunda entrance at Third and State Streets. If the handicapped entrance is needed, please pre-arrange by calling 1-800-868-7672.

  • Walk-ins welcome according to availability.
  • Gift Shop Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. regular weekdays
  • Welcome Center Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. regular weekdays
  • The State Museum is OPEN some Mondays and some Tuesdays in the spring to accommodate school groups.
  • Tours include the Rotunda, Senate, House of Representatives and the State Supreme Court Room. All when available. Schedule is subject to change.

Requestor Information (The information of the person making the initial request, you.)

Confirmation Information (The information of the person who will be contacted with the confirmation)

School/Organization Information

Meet your Legislator

If you are interested in notifying your legislators regarding your tour, please select the member(s) from the list below. Please know that you are not guaranteed a visit from your legislator. NOTE: School tours should use the address of the school to identify the appropriate legislator. If you are not sure who your legislator is, you can look it up by address.

Special Request

Lunch tables

NOTE: Lunch tables are for large groups to reserve seating together in the East Wing area.

Capitol East Wing Construction beginning July 2024 until further notice!

Section A and B lunch table area has been relocated to the Commonwealth Keystone Building which is centrally located between the State Museum of Pennsylvania and the Capitol East Wing entrance. See attached map and follow the green detour route. Plan an additional 5 minutes into your schedule. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Please carefully review the information below. If it is correct, first certify that you are not a robot, then click "Submit" button below to reserve your tour. A confirmation email will be sent to you immediately.
Tour Information


Note: Confirmation information is the same as the Requestors

Note: No information provided

Legislator Information
Note: No information provided

Special Request
Note: No information provided

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